This article describes recently added features and bug fixes to Codon Learning.
January 13, 2025 - Release 5.8.0
Instructor App
My Courses: Courses move to “Past Courses” section of the screen one week after the end date, rather than on the end date, to make it easier for instructors to find during final grade preparation.
Student App
Assignment Sync: Assignment open dates are no longer sent to the Learning Management System to avoid confusion about Prep Question and Practice Test assignment open dates.
Bug fix: Study Path Checkpoint 3 display never loaded if the Practice Test was published but had zero questions in it.
December 23, 2024 - Release 5.7.0
Instructor App
Course Planner enhancements
Rearrange multiple topics on a single day
Small styling and UX improvements
Student App
The access code database is now unified across our US and Canadian apps.
December 2, 2024 - Release 5.6.0
Instructor App
Infrastructure updates to support very large enrollment courses (>1000 students)
Small (but impactful!) user experience improvements
Switch back to the Daily Planner while working on an assessment by clicking on the desired day on the timeline.
Larger pop-up screen size when creating custom questions
Adjusted course selection display when setting up beginning-of-the-semester LMS course links to make it easier to find the correct course course (added start dates and hid past courses).
Instructors won’t be redirected to the Course Access page as the grace period end approaches.
Bug fix:
Codon Daily Planner would time out for instructors launching from the LMS when launching for the first time in a browser session.
Student App
Bug fix: Topic cards would not advance to Checkpoint 1 despite answering all questions correctly in specific, rare cases.
November 12, 2024 - Release 5.5.0
Instructor App
Further usability enhancements to the My Courses page
Student App
Clearer messaging when the due date or late date passes mid-way while completing an assignment. Previously, if you were in an open assignment while the due or late date passed, there was no apparent change in its availability until you left and came back. Now, a notice will appear upon advancing to the next question that the assignment has closed.
Bug fixes: Under certain rare conditions, topic cards would not load in the Study Path as expected.
October 24, 2024 - Release 5.4.0
Instructor App
Reminder appears that you can safely leave the page once grade sync has been initiated.
A more helpful, interactive walkthrough is embedded in the Study Path tab when using student preview.
Student App
Bug fix: Responses to open-response questions on the practice test weren’t displaying when reviewing practice test results in the Study Path.
Accessibility enhancements for screen reader users when completing homeworks, readings, and using the assignments page.
October 17, 2024 - Release 5.3.0
Instructor App
Lots new information on Student Performance!
Compare student performance with their confidence. In addition to the “muddy meter”, see the percent of students who answered the question incorrectly on first try.
Get more details about student attempt history. In addition to the number of attempts until correct, points earned, and responses selected, see the timestamp of each student’s first attempt and the total number of attempts taken.
Grade sync performance enhancements to make syncing faster and address certain types of errors.
Assessment building enhancements: Better sorting of questions in the library to make it easier to find isomorphs of questions (where available)
Bug fix: “Students have started” status wasn’t being updated for individual questions when switching from Prep to Practice Test (or vice versa) in the Study Path Builder.
Student App
Many usability enhancements
New notification if internet connection is lost, so that students are aware their responses may not be saving.
Much requested improvements to wrong answer feedback display logic. Feedback continues to display until you hit submit on your new response, rather than as soon as you change your response.
Much requested update to the logic of the timeline (two-week calendar at the top of Course Home). The timeline waits to advance to the next week until the full week is done, preventing weekend assignments from being hidden in many cases.
On the Study Path, if a topic is only covered on Readiness Readings (and no other assignment types), the card will open to the Resources side when expanded, rather than display “No Questions Assigned” first.
Security updates
Log in is temporarily disabled after multiple invalid password attempts.
New password complexity rules added when updating passwords.
September 30, 2024 - Release 5.2.0
Instructor App
Bug fixes
In Chrome, assessments on the right-most Friday or Saturday of the timeline couldn’t be accessed by clicking.
In some cases, copy & modify would fail for questions that didn’t have a title set.
In some cases, warning wouldn’t appear when navigating away from changed assessment details without saving.
In some cases, an obscene number of decimals would appear as the total points value when syncing an assignment to the LMS, despite a normal looking total point value in Codon.
In some cases, moving LOs between topics could lead to stale Study Path data states for students.
Usability enhancements
Dates added to class day dropdown when adding pre-class or in-class learning resources, to make it easier to find the right day.
Assessment tooltips on the timeline show a wrapped list of LOs, rather than truncating the list after one line.
Performance enhancements when editing assessments
Student App
Major accessibility enhancements
More intuitive focus shift when submitting an answer for screen reader users completing readings and homeworks
Better handling of information displayed in table format
Bug fixes
In Chrome, assessments on the right-most Friday or Saturday of the timeline couldn’t be accessed by clicking.
If there were no LOs associated with a Readiness Reading item, an empty box would show.
Questions on Study Path topic cards did not look clickable.
LOs would sometimes appear out of order on Study Path topic cards.
September 16, 2024 - Release 5.1.0
Instructor App
Usability improvements when updating due, late, and open dates on assignments
Performance enhancements when updating Study Path details (publishing and unpublishing assessments) for large enrollment courses
Student App
Major accessibility enhancements for screen reader and keyboard users when navigating homeworks, pre-class assessments, and practice tests.
September 5, 2024 - Release 5.0.0
Instructor App
Add custom questions to assessments more easily by clicking “Save & Add to Assessment” while editing (spend less time tracking them down!)
Performance enhancements when updating Study Path details (Checkpoint 1 assessments) for large enrollment courses
Bug fix: When switching between two assessments by clicking on the timeline, the question type (e.g., readiness reading, postclass assessment) filters did not always update as expected.
Student App
Improved password reset experience
Accessibility enhancements: Color contrast
August 20, 2024 - Release 4.13.0
Student App
Major accessibility enhancements for screen reader users
Bug fix: Course invitation email listed the first day of class rather than the course “access date”
August 1, 2024 - Release 4.12.0
Instructor App
Bug fix: Icon representing co-instructor abilities disappeared during release 4.11.1. Fixed in 4.12.0.
Student App
Improvements for ungrading and other “nontraditional” courses
All mentions of points have been removed throughout the app for assignments with the grading policy “Not for points” to de-emphasize points in those cases.
Updates to how the Assignments list specifies late or incomplete assignments to signal that practice is valuable even after the due date.
Screen reader accessibility enhancements during assignments
App announces feedback in addition to “correct” or “incorrect” status
App announces whether additional attempts are allowed or not
Bug fixes:
The blue timeline icon for the current Study Path previously appeared inactive / grayed out until the first time it had been clicked.
Assignment with no questions could prevent unlocking of the Practice Test in some cases.
July 1, 2024 - Release 4.11.0
Instructor App
Instructors can now view and edit the course access date for their courses. This is the date when students can first view and start working on open assignments in the course.
Bug fix: In the rare case where an LO only has deprecated questions associated with it, the Course Planner would show the option to “Preview content for this LO” but then nothing would load. Fixed to instead show “There is no content available for this LO.”
Student App
Accessibility enhancements in the Study Path for screenreader and keyboard users
June 17, 2024 - Release 4.10.0
Instructor App
When syncing grades, the status of the grade sync for each selected assessment automatically updates rather than needing to click “Check Sync Status”.
Bug fix: It wasn’t possible to remove questions or add questions from unassigned LOs from the preview pop-up window. This is because the confirmation messages for these actions were being hidden behind the preview window.
Student App
Accessibility enhancements including assessment answering and announcing status updates (e.g., page changes, state changes).
May 30, 2024 - Release 4.9.0
Instructor App
Courses can now have co-instructors! Two or more instructors can work together to plan LOs, build assessments, and review student performance.
Note: An instructor’s custom content (questions, LOs, topics) can be assigned by a co-instructor, but it cannot be edited. This is because these edits may have unintended effects in other courses that a co-instructor may not know about. When edits to custom content need to be made, please reach out to the instructor who created the content initially or your Education Support Specialist.
“Regrades complete” pop-up now automatically expires after 30 seconds, rather than requiring you to manually close them.
Student App
Accessibility to login and terms of service experience.
May 15, 2024 - Release 4.8.0
Instructor App
Enhancements to how we process bulk regrades following due date or late date extensions made from the Assessments list view. While regrades have always successfully completed, they previously appeared to timeout in the browser in particularly large enrollment courses. Small pop-ups alert you to when the regrades have been completed.
Student App
Accessibility improvements to the assessment experience for screen reader users.
April 23, 2024 - Release 4.7.0
Instructor App
Course Planner
The beta is over! Thank you to everyone who provided feedback - and please keep it coming as we continue to make improvements. The “enhanced” Course Planner is now the default Course Planner, but you can still access the simple view by clicking the link at the top of the page.
Preview readiness readings and post-class assessment items for each LO directly from the Course Planner. Click “Add LOs”, and then click the kebab menu next to the LO of interest. “Preview content for this LO” will open a pop-up with all associated questions.
New alignment check! When adding a readiness reading with one or more items without an associated course LO, a prompt shows which items are unaligned and asks whether you want to add the associated LOs to your course.
Student App
Accessibility improvements to modal behavior for screen reader users in the Study Path
April 16, 2024 - Release 4.6.1
Instructor App
Enhancements to how we process regrades following due date or late date extensions. While regrades have always successfully completed, they previously appeared to timeout in the browser in particularly large enrollment courses.
Added links to support articles for creating and assigning survey items.
Student App
When due on the same day, Readiness Readings appear on top of other assessment types on the timeline and assessments list. Previously they appeared on the bottom.
April 8, 2024 - Release 4.6.0
Instructor App
Survey items! Create and assign questions with no correct answer to survey students about opinions, experiences, habits, etc. Survey items are scored for completion, if assigned for points.
Course Planner enhancements
Differentiate custom LOs from Codon LOs when selecting LOs in the enhanced Course Planner.
Updates to when past weeks collapse.
When addressing alignment warnings in the Assessment Builder, the suggested class day is now based on the “class days covered” of that assessment.
Bug fixes
In the Assessment Builder, when on the last page of questions (e.g., questions 150-200 of 200), changing the filters could sometimes cause an error.
Study Paths assigned on the last class day of the course would be listed twice on that day.
Student App
Bug fix: Topic cards would sometimes errantly go missing after removing assessments from a Study Path’s “assessments covered”.
March 26, 2024 - Release 4.5.0
Instructor App
Course Planner enhancements! Move an LO to another topic
Grade sync usability improvement: If an assessment loses its link with its associated assessment in the LMS (typically because it was accidentally deleted in the LMS), you can now remedy that by turning sync off and on again. Previously a Codon admin had to help with the reset.
Bug fixes:
When creating a new course, the start and end date picker validation display made it seem like you couldn’t create a course that started more than a few months in the future from now.
Buttons to modify assessments (add questions, remove questions, etc.) are now disabled until the check for student work has completed. Previously the buttons temporarily appeared to be active when those actions may not have been available. The check for student work is now quicker, too!
If the same LO was assigned on multiple class days, removing the LO from one of the class days sometimes triggered removal from the other class day instead.
The assignment-level late points deducted value was wrong in some cases where the late penalty was 100%. Points were correctly calculated (i.e. no points were earned), but the value stored in the database for record keeping was incorrect.
Student App
Helpful messaging added in case of app load failure.
Bug fix: Empty topic card remained on Study Path after removing associated content in certain rare circumstances.
March 4, 2024 - Release 4.4.0
Instructor App
Enhancer Course Planner updates!
Create a custom topic at the same time as creating a custom LO
Styling and usability improvements
New custom LOs will also automatically be added to class day in LO Selector
When opening assessments from the timeline, the dates of the timeline would reset to current day in certain cases. The app now remembers the class day you were on and keeps you there when navigating between pages.
Bug fix: Question preview loading would time out when no filters were applied in Introducing the Life Sciences courses.
Student App
Bug fixes:
Release 4.3.0 introduced an issue where the app would not load for older versions of Safari. Fixed in 4.3.1 and 4.3.2.
No error message appeared if resetting password failed.
February 16, 2024 - Release 4.3.0
Instructor App
Give students due date accommodations for Prep Questions and Practice Tests.
Allows students to continue earning full points on these two types of assignments under extenuating circumstances. Previously due date accommodations could only be assigned on Readiness Readings, Pre-class Assessments, and Homeworks.
Enhanced Course Planner updates!
Rearrange LOs within a topic
Create and edit custom LOs and add to current class day
See which LOs were written by you vs. Codon
New alignment check! Identify items assigned in your assessments that lack an associated LO in your course, and choose options to easily remedy. This is important because an item with no course LO cannot be loaded on the Study Path, so students lose practice and point recapture opportunities.
Student App
Bug fixes:
The blue banner that appears above Homework assignments once a question is locked showed the wrong message (e.g. “you’ve missed this question twice…”) in certain rare circumstances.
In the Study Path, when clicking on a particular question in a topic card, the wrong question would open in certain cases when the question order had recently been updated by the instructor.
February 5, 2024 - Release 4.2.0
Instructor App
Muddy meter is now available for Prep Questions and Practice Tests! See what percent of students marked each question muddy on their first attempt.
User interface improvements
Changed the button on the Student Performance page to say “Go to score sync page” to reduce confusion about whether clicking the button triggers a sync on its own (it doesn’t).
In the Enhanced Course Planner, in a course with access to multiple subjects, the primary subject is always at the top.
Bug fix: Couldn’t move a topic to the last class day from the Enhanced Course Planner in some cases.
Student App
Simplified the assignments page by removing the “Covers” column.
Clarified the messaging shown to students in the Study Path when the Practice Test isn’t yet published.
January 22, 2024 - Release 4.1.0
Instructor App
Publish the Practice Test separately from the rest of the Study Path to buy more time to solidify what content should be covered.
No need to switch a toggle to edit what questions are assigned in a started assessment (Release 4.1.2, Jan. 25)
Better messaging when you’re not allowed to rearrange LOs to other topics (i.e. after those LOs are in play in an active Study Path)
Student App
The email sent to new student users includes a link to reset your password. The link was expiring after two hours, so most users weren’t able to use it. (Release 4.1.2, Jan. 25)
January 10, 2024 - Release 4.0.0
Instructor App
Beta test the enhanced Course Planner! Based on instructor feedback, we’ve made significant updates and would love your feedback.
Look at a week (or more) of LOs and their alignment pies at the same time.
Add labels to holidays OR normal class days, for example to call out a guest speaker or exam day.
Add both topics AND LOs all in one spot, merging the capabilities of the Course Planner with the LO Selector.
More easily move topics to another day.
Jump to Daily Planner view of a particular day from the Course Planner to start adding assessments and resources.
More helpful visual showing the Study Path and it’s uses if you click on “Study Path” while in “Student Preview”
Bug fix: Some users were occasionally getting a “Something Went Wrong” error after creating a new custom topic
December 11, 2023 - Release 3.8.0
Instructor App
While browsing the assessment question bank, send questions to any available assessment, not just the one you’re in. For folks who like to plan all assessments on a given LO or topic at once, this should make that process significantly easier!
Bug fix: When extending the due date of a past due assessment, you can now turn off the late policy if desired.
November 27, 2023 - Release 3.7.0
Instructor App
Student Performance page speed improvements (3.6.1 and 3.6.2)
Access courses as a student from within your base instructor account. You no longer need to maintain a separate student account (3.6.3).
Additional grade sync error messages added.
Bug fixes:
Now able to filter for assessment questions associated with custom topics, as well as Codon topics.
Modifying the LOs a question is tagged with now triggers updates to the Study Path (e.g., adding new topic cards associated with a new LO tag), as needed.
Late policy preset toggle on/off propagates to new assessment, not just the late date offset.
Student App
Topic cards in Checkpoint 1 first load on the “Retry questions” side rather than the “Resources” side.
Bug fix: When two readiness readings are assigned on the same topic, later readiness readings don’t appear on topic cards until they are also completed, rather than all readiness readings appearing on the topic card after completing the first reading.
October 30, 2023 - Release 3.6.0
Student App
Test your metacognition during the Practice Test! Students now mark questions muddy or clear as they complete the Practice Test. At the end, they get a report showing how well their performance lined up with their confidence.
Bug fix: When assessment due dates are extended, automatically also push out any due date accommodations that were an earlier date.
Updated terms of service
Hot fixes 3.5.1 - 3.5.3
Improve instructor error messaging when entire assessment fails to sync
Updates to enable grade sync in Canada
October 16, 2023 - Release 3.5.0
Instructor App
Usability improvements:
Instructors can change Class Days Covered of an assessment after students have started it
Names of students whose score sync failed are sorted alphabetically
Speed improvements
October 5, 2023 - Release 3.4.0
Instructor and Student Apps
Major improvements to how we store and retrieve custom questions, which should improve speed and reliability.
Edits to questions (e.g., error fixes) will be pushed to students immediately, even if they have already answered those questions before.
Instructor App
Bug fix: Instructors would sometimes get re-directed to the student app when logging back in, leading to page load errors.
Student App
Bug fix: On the timeline, checks or stars indicating an assignment’s status were rendered in the wrong location when viewed on Safari or Firefox browsers.
September 25, 2023 - Release 3.3.0
Instructor App
Keyword search for the LO Selector!
Instructors receive a warning when editing a custom question that is in a live assessment.
Usability improvements
Late policies: Introduced a toggle to make it easier to determine if a late policy is in effect or not.
Assessment List: Redesign to improve readability and ability to dismiss the Enable Sync pop up if desired
Bug fix: When switching an assessment from a Not for Points grading policy to a For Points grade policy, questions will be set to 1 pt each rather than remain at 0 pts each.
Student App
Symbols indicating an assessment’s status (check for complete, star for point recapture available) added to the timeline.
The symbol indicating that point recapture is available was changed to a simple star.
Course Access reminder kicks in 5 days before last day of temporary free access period.
Accessibility improvements for screen reader users
Bug fix: Sorting of missed or correct questions in the Practice Test Results window in the Study Path wouldn’t update after answering questions correctly.
September 11, 2023 - Release 3.2.0
Instructor App
To better support mixing and matching of content between subjects, you can now tag Codon items with other Codon LOs. Previously, you could only add custom LO tags to Codon items.
Bug fixes:
In certain rare cases, new custom items weren’t being saved correctly, leading to errors when trying to load assessments containing them.
Reloading the page when in Student View would redirect back to Instructor View.
Student App
Students who are enrolled directly (rather than via a link in their LMS) will receive an email with instructions to get started.
August 28, 2023 - Release 3.0.1
Instructor App
Bug fixes:
In some courses, custom topics were being added to supplemental subjects rather than the primary subject, leading to issues with finding them and associating them with custom LOs.
When authoring a custom item, “Save” button wouldn’t go away after save, leading the instructor to be stuck in the authoring interface.
If an instructor reloaded the page while authoring a custom item in the Study Path Builder, they would end up editing the “Summative” assessment (rather than the Prep Questions or Practice Test), which does not exist.
Edits to custom items wouldn’t be reflected in the student preview of an assignment if the instructor had previously previewed the same assignment as a student.
In certain cases when editing the LOs tagged to a question, platform would throw an error.
Timeline cut off one week before the end of the course.
Usability improvements:
Removed minimum character count for custom LOs.
Extended maximum character count for course names.
Student & Instructor App
Users were sometimes erroneously logged out for inactivity.
August 17, 2023 - Release 3.0.0h
Instructor App
Bug fixes:
Changes to Study Path due dates wouldn’t save in some cases due to unintentional conflicts with late dates.
Couldn’t rearrange topics or move LOs between topics in LO Selector.
Student App
Removed any mention of “late policy” from instructions page of assessments that have no additional time to earn points after the due date.
Additional messaging for troubleshooting log in and password reset.
August 14, 2023 - Release 3.0.0
Instructor App
Bug fix: The Study Path Builder had lost the “Students Have Started” message and associated display updates that conveyed fewer allowed changes.
Student App
Many improvements to the mobile experience - better modal behavior, responsive screen layouts, and more.
Students see a message “This item was authored or adapted by your instructor” under any custom question.
August 7, 2023 - Release 2.2.0
Instructor App
Late policies! Set a “late date” to allow students to continue earning points after the due date. Optionally set a point penalty that deducts a set percent of points for work completed during the late period.
See students’ assessment status from the Student Performance page. Click on the column header for an assessment and the question-level view will load for that assessment. The first column shows each student’s status (not started, in progress, completed late, etc.).
Toggle “enable sync to LMS” on or off in bulk from the Assessments list.
Bug fix: Course timezone wasn’t applied when applying updated presets to existing assessments.
Student App
Simplified assessment instructions
Bug fix: Muddy/clear and correct/incorrect icons didn’t persist in the item navigation menu for Readiness Readings.
July 31, 2023 - Release 2.1.1
Instructor App
Bug fixes
When building a pre-class, homework, prep, or practice test assessment, “Clear all filters” didn’t clear Question Use filters.
On Student Performance page, the number of assessments shown per page could go to zero, which could make it look like there were no assessments in the course.
Readiness Reading assignments didn’t have “muddy meter” on Student Performance page.
Items on Readiness Readings weren’t counted in the alignment pie.
Student App
Major accessibility improvements for screen readers related to page navigation, Study Path topic card interactions, and question navigation within assessments.
Bug fixes
Meta-data for questions tagged with multiple LOs were displayed incorrectly in the Study Path.
Users could get stuck on the Terms of Service page if they took more than a week to accept it after first opening it.
July 17, 2023 - Release 2.1.0
Instructor App
Custom LO and question authoring enhancements
Access their custom LOs and Qs from other subjects.
Add pop-up content to assessment items, for example glossary-style definitions of key terms.
Minor bug fixes related to filtering and editing of custom LOs.
Student App
Timeline is more mobile friendly, shrinking to a one-week view on narrower screens.
June 27, 2023 - Release 2.0.9
Instructor App
Usability improvements
You can now add a new custom question to the current assessment in the final step of creating it.
Timeline rolls one week at a time instead of two.
June 21, 2023 - Release 2.0.8
Instructor App
Styling and usability improvements
Improved organization of dropdown menu when selecting a topic in the Course Planner or when selecting a topic for a new custom LO.
Fully saving a new custom question takes a couple minutes. The Assessment Builder now shows a more informative error message when trying to open a custom question right after creating it.
Based on user feedback, the Readiness Reading Builder no longer *automatically* adds associated readings to newly created assignments.
In menus where users select which class sessions an LO or assessment should be associated with, date of that class session is also shown to ease selection.
Bug fixes
In some rare scenarios users could get stuck in the Question Builder modal with a “save” button that won’t allow them to advance to the next stage.
Archived questions were causing the response-level view of Student Performance to throw an error.
June 6, 2023 - Release 2.0.7
Instructor App
Bug fixes
In the Assessment Builder, changing class days covered on the “Add Details” tab didn’t update the filtering in the “Add Questions” tab.
A few small issues related to recent custom question creation updates (2.0.6).
Usability improvements
Navigation refinements for creating custom questions.
May 23, 2023 - Release 2.0.6
Instructor App
Preview assessments the way your students will see them! Click “Go to Student View” at the top of the screen and navigate to an assessment via the timeline, day card, or assessments list. Your data won’t save, but you can take the assessment again any time. The Study Path is still not enabled for instructors.
Edit Codon LOs! You can now make your own copy of a Codon LO and edit its wording. When you do this, all questions that were tagged with the original Codon LO become tagged with the new custom LO, so be sure to double check alignment if you changed the substance of the LO.
Mix and match LOs and questions from multiple Codon subjects! Let you faculty success manager what other subjects you might be interested in, and you’ll be able to pull LOs and questions from those subjects into your course.
A revamped custom question authoring interface makes it easier to navigate between steps: selecting LOs, writing your question, and setting other metadata.
Student App
Better mobile experience! The app is now more responsive to small screen sizes.
May 8, 2023 - Release 2.0.5
Instructor App
Instructors can now build Readiness Readings! Use our readings as is, customize our readings, or build your own readings from scratch.
Make a copy and modify any Codon question in any assignment.
Bug fix:
Grade sync status error in cases where a student used to be enrolled in a course, joined the Codon course, but then dropped the course. As a result, the student existed in Codon but not the LMS. A new more specific error message will make this more clear.
Student App
Depending on the course, students may be given the option to pay by credit card, access code, or both.
April 24, 2023 - Release 2.0.4
Instructor App
New alignment check! When deleting an LO, you are notified when there are associated questions and given the option to delete them in bulk along with the LO.
Student App
New, enhanced question feedback display logic for labeling (drag and drop) questions. All question types now have feedback displays!
Styling and usability improvements for Topic Cards when switching between viewing questions and readings.
April 10, 2023 - Release 2.0.3
Instructor App
Bug fixes
“Add question” button wasn’t deactivated while processing, leading to an error in some cases when it was clicked twice in a row.
Readiness, preclass, and homework assessments were being associated with a Study Path if their due date/time was within 24 hours of the Study Path due date. In some cases this led to unexpected association of assessments with Study Paths. Now, assessments are associated with a Study Path if they’re due on the same calendar day (or earlier) as the Study Path.
Student App
Styling enhancements to how Readiness Readings appear on Study Path topic cards.
New, enhanced question feedback display logic for matching questions. More question types to come!
Bug fix
When a due date accommodation was issued for an assessment, it was listed correctly on the assignments page but appeared in the wrong location (the original course-wide due date) on the Course Home day cards and timeline.
March 27, 2023 - Release 2.0.2
Instructor App
When building assessments, if you select a question that is not tagged with any LO in your course, a warning appears with the option to assign the LO to a class session.
Usability and design improvements
Question titles are truncated on Student Performance pages, so that column headers don’t take up too much space.
Additional padding around video player in questions with embedded videos.
Performance and speed improvements
When adding questions to assessments, changing their order, or changing their points.
In cases when users were switching between multiple browsers or multiple computers, course details could get out of sync, leading to confusion. Now, course details are automatically updated after an hour of idleness.
Student App
New, enhanced question feedback display logic for sorting questions. More question types to come!
March 13, 2023 - Release 2.0.1
Instructor App
Use a variety of question types!
Filter questions by type (e.g., multiple choice, open response, labeling).
Create questions of many types (e.g., labeling, click-on-target, sorting), not just multiple choice and open response.
Bug fixes
In some cases, auto-filtering of questions by LO wasn’t updating when switching between assignments via the timeline.
Student App
New, enhanced question feedback display logic for sequence (put items in the correct order) and click-on-target questions. More question types to come!
February 27, 2023 - Release 2.0.0
Instructor App
Bug fixes:
When selecting LOs for a custom question, the LO at the bottom of the list was hidden under certain circumstances.
Question “add” buttons are disabled momentarily when a new question is added (while the system is processing), however they did not *appear* inactive. Display updates to prevent confusion.
Hyperlinks could not be added to custom questions.
Performance improvements to the Student Performance page
Student App
Accessibility improvements for keyboard navigation
Additional messaging when all Topic Cards are in Checkpoint 3 but the Practice Test meter still isn’t full
New, enhanced question feedback display logic for fill-in-the-blank and labeling dropdown questions. More question types to come!
February 13, 2023 - Release 1.5.7
Instructor App
Bug fixes:
Assessment Builder
Custom questions could occasionally be saved without a correct answer (or sample answer, for open response questions) set.
Students at the bottom of the due date accommodations dropdown list were hidden.
Student Performance
The meter showing the percent of students who completed an assessment would sometimes time out in large courses.
Switched red shading to be based on whether any questions had been attempted, not whether the assessment had been opened.
When using Student View, unpublished assessments are hidden as intended, but they were temporarily staying hidden after switching back to Instructor View.
Student App
New, enhanced question feedback display logic for multiple choice and multiple select questions. More question types to come!
Accessibility improvements for screen readers and keyboard navigation: Alt-text in modals and navigating around the timeline on the dashboard.
“Checkpoint 2” meter on dashboard was based on % correct on graded attempts, not % on latest attempts, which led to confusing behavior when Prep Questions were graded for completion (points earned whether correct or incorrect).
January 30, 2023 - Release 1.5.6
Instructor App
Confirmation message appears before deleting a Pre-Class or In-Class Resource.
Student App
Better keyboard navigation in modals.
Additional helpful messaging on log out, log in, and password reset pages.
Bug fix: Corrected an issue where questions viewed in modals (e.g., in the Study Path) would occasionally appear blurry.
January 19, 2023 - Release 1.5.5
Instructor App
In the Assessment Builder, you can now advance through questions from within the preview window.
Student Performance
Student ID is included in scores CSV download, in courses where the ID is sent from the LMS.
Red shading indicates students who never opened an assessment.
Bug fixes:
Instructors can now create assessments on non-class days.
A grey disabled + sign now shows next to questions that have been assigned on another assessment, rather than a red minus sign.
Student App
Immediately open the Practice Test Results window after finishing the Practice Test, instead of navigating to the Study Path and then opening it.
Bug fix: Students who were enrolled in more than one Codon course would occasionally have timeouts or errors when launching from the Learning Management System.
Additional troubleshooting information included on the Something Went Wrong screen.
January 6, 2023 - Release 1.5.4
Exciting Performance and Stability Updates
More reliable launch behavior from Learning Management Systems
Auto-logout after 24 hours of inactivity for security and performance improvements
Improved update process for users to get the latest version of the app
General infrastructure improvements to improve security and stability
Password reset bug fixes
Accessibility Updates
Color palette and other styling updates
Instructor App
Warning message appears if you try to leave an assessment without saving changed details (e.g., due date).
December 16, 2022 - Release 1.5.3
Instructor App
Bug fixes:
Changes to the details (due date, name, etc.) of assessments with the Not for Points grading policy were not saving in most cases.
Questions in the Assessment Builder are now grouped by LO and appear in the order that the LOs are assigned in your course (e.g., LO1.1, LO1.2, LO2.1…).
When changing the name or published status of a Study Path, there was a lag in when those details would update on the Assessments page.
December 8, 2022 - Release 1.5.2
Instructor App
Assessment Builder usability improvements!
Edit details for one or more Pre-class and Homework assignments directly from the Assessments page. No need to click into the Assessment Builder first.
Move questions from one assessment to another by clicking on the arrow icon on that question.
More relaxed rules around assessment details: You can now extend the due date of any assessment, even if the original due date has already passed.
For assessments that do not yet have any questions, a student trying to access it no longer counts as “starting” it and so that no longer prevents additional changes to the assessment.
Remove a topic and all of its LOs from a class day without individually removing the LOs first.
Bug fix: In cases where a class day had more than one topic assigned to it, the topics were sometimes getting rearranged.
Student App
Accessibility improvements
December 6, 2022 - Release 1.5.1
Instructor App
Send a topic, along with all of its LOs, to another class day by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the topic card in the Learning Objective Selector.
Improved filter behavior in the LO Selector is intended to make it easier to transition between class sessions find previously assigned LOs in the bank.
Instructors no longer assign units to class days. Feedback from instructors led us to understand that this feature (1) wasn’t necessary for effective course planning and (2) caused unnecessary complications when trying to mix and match LOs from different units
Custom topics and LOs now show up under “My custom unit” in the filters in the Learning Objective Selector and Assessment Builder. Codon topics containing custom LOs also appear, shown in italics. Previously they were nested under the unit of the class day they were first created under. We hope this new organization makes it easier to find your custom materials.
Styling updates
Tooltips appear when you hover over a topic in the timeline letting you know which LOs are assigned to that topic.
Long topic names are truncated on the timeline.
The timeline becomes taller in cases where there are too many stacking topics and assessments to fit in the default height.
Bug fixes
The question preview window in the Assessment Builder can now show sample answers to open-response questions.
Instructors were not able to drag an LO into an empty topic card in the LO Selector.
November 21, 2022 - Release 1.5.0
Instructor App
Change a day to a “non-class day” in order to exclude it from the class day numbering and to add a label (e.g., “Spring Break”) on the timeline and day cards.
Styling updates to tooltips that show assessment details on the timeline.
Bug fix: When adding due date accommodations for assessments that do not yet have any questions, the system previously had a delay before it showed that the accommodation had been saved.
Student App
New and improved timeline! The timeline is much easier to navigate, and shows two weeks at a time.
Updated styling to the day cards on the Dashboard. Assignments show up on the day they’re due, or the closest class day before if due on a day with no class. Study Paths now show up on the day they’re due, in addition to on the timeline.
November, 10 2022 - Release 1.4.2
Instructor App
Enhanced student response views!
See students’ first two responses for any question. First and second responses are shown regardless of if responses were submitted after due date, in Study Path, etc. The points earned column can be used to disambiguate these cases.
Download a CSV of all responses for any question to use for a more in depth look at student understanding or manual grading in the LMS.
Bug fixes
Assessments always showed “Published” status on the day card, regardless of actual status. Correct status was still shown in Timeline, Assessments page, and Assessment Builder Details page.
November 3, 2022 - Release 1.4.1
Instructor App
You can now create and assign open-response questions! Open-response questions are always graded for completion only. Learn more here.
Student App
Updates to language explaining grading and assignment policies.
October 28, 2022 - Release 1.4.0
Instructor App
New and improved Daily Planner replaces Course Overview
A revamped timeline is easier to use and shows two weeks at a time (instead of three) to improve readability.
Just one day card is shown at a time to simplify the screen.
The instructor Daily Planner more closely parallels the student dashboard, so you can more easily anticipate what students will see.
Alignment information is separated into a dedicated “widget”. Find all assessments covering each LO from that day, and use the simplified three-piece alignment pie to see which LOs still need more coverage.
Learn more on our support page.
Bug fix: Can now move from Study Path to Study Path using the timeline.
Styling improvements to the assessment builder.
Student App
Clarified language about how to find and retry Practice Test questions after initially completing the Practice Test.
October 20, 2022 - Release 1.3.9
Instructor App
Small styling updates
Bug fix: Assessment Builder “Browse by Topic” filters now behave as expected
Student App
Small styling updates
Bug fix: Started but not completed assessments no longer fill the Practice Test meter
October 12, 2022 - Release 1.3.8
Instructor App
Usability improvements
Pop up confirmation messages are keyboard accessible
Student Performance remembers where you left off when you leave the page and come back
Bug fixes
Display was not updating correctly when switching from Prep Questions to Practice Test (or vice versa) when Edit Mode was on
Learning Resource and Class Materials tables handle long URLs more elegantly
October 6, 2022 - Release 1.3.7
Instructor and Student Apps
Much smoother experience for users logging into Codon Learning from a Learning Management System
Performance improvements
September 29, 2022 - Release 1.3.6
Student App
Small styling updates
September 15, 2022 - Release 1.3.4
Instructor App
Turn on “Edit Mode” in an assessment to enable a limited set of previously locked down changes in started assessments. For any assessment, you can now remove a question or change the points assigned to a question if no students have attempted the question yet. For Prep Questions, you can additionally add questions up until the due date.
Styling updates to the In-class Materials (previously called In-class Instruction) and Pre-class Resources (previously called Out-of-class Instruction) pages.
Instructional messages appear on each of the main pages of the app.
September 13, 2022 - Release 1.3.3
Instructor App
Send an email to report an issue with a question by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner while previewing a question.
Many small styling updates throughout the app, including redesigned question filters
Study Path Builder improvements
Question bank for Prep Questions and Practice Test filters by a more inclusive set of suggested LOs
Small bug fixes related to which assessments we suggest that students should review
Student App
Improvements to messaging and experience for assignments that are incomplete and past due or have a due date accommodation.
August 26, 2022 - Release 1.3.2
Instructor App
Student Scores CSV reformatted to better support LMS import
Bug fixes:
Assessments before first class day or after last class day were not appearing on day cards
Issues with initial LTI linking
Student App
Styling updates to Assignments page: Horizontal lines after each Study Path improve readability and “Completed on Time” stamp quickly shows which assignments are done
August 11, 2022 - Release 1.3.1
Instructor App
Further Study Path Builder updates
Assessments are automatically assigned to the closest future Study Path
Styling updates and tooltips added
Instructors have the option to assign a Bloom’s level to custom questions
Assessments now appear on the day card of the day they are due rather than every/any day that they are covered (based on LOs assigned)
Bug fixes
Inconsistency in which assessments were available to be added to a Study Path when Study Path was due on a non-class day
Multiple select question feedback displayed incorrectly in instructor preview. It still displayed correctly in student app.
Tables couldn’t be added to custom questions
August 10, 2022 - Release 1.3.0
Instructor App
Major updates to Study Path Builder, giving instructors more oversight of which topics, LOs, and questions appear in their students’ Study Paths.
A new tab has been added called “Assessment Review”. Here, instructors select which prior assessments (i.e. Preclasses and Homeworks) students should review in Checkpoint 1 (“I Should Review”) of the Study Path. For cumulative Study Paths, past Prep Questions and Practice Tests can be selected as well.
Which topics and LOs appear in a Study Path is now based on what is covered on questions from assessments selected in the Assessment Review tab. If additional topics and/or LOs are covered on Prep or Practice Test questions, those topics and LOs will appear in that Study Path as well.
Custom multiple choice and multiple select questions now available! Click “Add Custom Questions” in the Add Questions tab of the Assessment Builder.
Bug fixes
Some class days were omitted from newly created courses if the end date for the course fell on a day of the week that was earlier than the day of the week of the start date.
July 25, 2022 - Release 1.2.9
Instructor App
Added the ability to choose assessment policy presets for each assessment type (Preclass, Homework, and Study Path). Access presets from the Course Details menu. Presets do not retroactively update previously created assessments.
Removed empty columns associated with Summative assessments from the Student Scores page.
Bug fixes:
Column headers on Student Scores table were sometimes misaligned with cells below.
Student App
Bug fixes:
Adjusted column width on Assignments page
July 13, 2022 - Release 1.2.8
Infrastructure improvements and bug fixes.
July 6, 2022 - Release 1.2.7
Instructor App
Styling updates to the Assessment List to separate blocks of content based on Study Path dates.
Removed empty columns associated with Summative assessments from the Student Scores page.
Performance improvements.
Student App
The pill on the timeline that shows when a Study Path is due now says “Study Path”, rather than “Test”.
Bug fix: “Questions with points left to recapture” count at the top of the Study Path was inaccurate in some cases when a student had a due date extension.
June 30, 2022 - Release 1.2.6
Instructor App
Many updates to streamline the Study Path building experience:
Rebranded the experience as building a “Study Path” rather than a summative (since the Codon student app does not yet support offering summative assessments).
Summative placeholder assessment is removed (we will bring it back when we offer a student summative assessment experience!).
Less text on the Assessment Details screen.
Clarified the wording of the grading policies and combined two dropdowns into one.
See what percent of students have completed an assessment so far by looking at the top of that assessment’s column on the Student Scores page.
June 23, 2022 - Release 1.2.5
Instructor App
Course Settings (e.g., course name, dates) can now be accessed by clicking the cog icon next to the course name at the top of the screen.
Bug fixes: Fixed bug when accessing Prep Questions or Practice Test from the Assessment List.
Student App
When answering questions in an assignment, a blue banner appears at the top of the question once a question can no longer be attempted again. In these cases, the question IS still available to retry in the Study Path. The blue banner now contains more specific information about why that specific question cannot be attempted again (e.g., “You have missed this question twice”) and how to find it in the Study Path.
When answering questions with multiple parts in an assignment or in the Study Path, students now must select an answer for all parts of the question in order to submit. Previously an answer to just one part had to be selected for the Submit button to become enabled.
Students now must select “muddy” or “clear” when submitting Prep Questions for the first time. This was previously optional.
Bug fixes:
The count of Questions Available for Point Recapture at the top of the Study Path previously included questions that were in incomplete assignments, which are not yet available to retry in the Study Path. The count now only includes questions in completed assignments.
Total points available for an assignment now rounds to two decimal places in all plays where displayed.
With certain grading policies, there was inconsistent behavior around how many times a question could be attempted before it became locked (i.e. you have to go to the Study Path to retry it). New fix makes it so that behavior is consistent across all grading policies.
Fixed unexpected behavior with grading displays in assignments with due date accommodations.
June 15, 2022 - Release 1.2.4
Instructor App
Assessments page added: A simple list of all assessments in the course for quick reference and access.
Student App
Messaging throughout the app describing how point recapture works updated to clarify that questions only become available for point recapture in the Study Path after you’ve completed the assignment.
Bug fix: The bottom of long questions was hidden in the Study Path assessment modal.
June 8, 2022 - Release 1.2.3
Instructor App
Custom LOs can be added to courses, with assistance from a Faculty Success Manager.
Codon questions can be tagged with custom LOs, with assistance from a Faculty Success Manager.
Top (header) row now freezes in place when scrolling down through student rows on all 3 views of the Student Scores page.
Bug fix: The list of questions added to an assessment would sometimes “overflow”, covering up the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Student App
Multipart questions are now graded differently. Previously, if the instructor had chosen a grading policy with a point penalty for multiple attempts (e.g., reduce 10% points for each attempt), students could lose partial points earned on multipart questions. With new grading math, points earned can never go down.
Topic cards now load in Study Path after completing Preclass assessments, rather than waiting until after Homework. This is intended to give students more flexibility in when they can start working on Prep Questions.
May 27, 2022 - Release 1.2.2
Instructor App
Instructors can add descriptions and/or links to resources and materials for each class day. “Learning Resources” are intended to include readings, videos, or other resources that students should engage with in order to prepare for class. These resources appear in the “Preclass Work” box on the student dashboard. “Class Materials” can include all other types of materials used in class or after class. They appear in a separate “Class Materials” box on the student dashboard.
Instructors can now add custom multiple choice and multiple select questions, with the help of a Faculty Success Manager.
Bug fixes
“Switch to student view” would cause an error in brand new courses.
Student names now sort and display consistently across all views of the Student Scores page.
Class Days Covered menu was not deactivated on the Assessment Builder Details page after students had started an assessment.
Student App
Tooltip and warning icon added to the deactivated Finish button below the last question of an assignment if not all questions have been attempted. Warning goes away and Finish button becomes activated once all questions are attempted.
May 18, 2022 - Release 1.2.1
Performance improvements
Loading of class sessions, LOs, and topics improved.
Bug fixes
Topic cards would not load in Study Path in some cases if homework due date passed while assignment window was still open.
May 11, 2022 - Release 1.2.0
Instructor App
Bug fixes
Rearranging questions occasionally duplicated the question being moved.
General styling and usability improvements in the Course Details and Assessment Builder pages.
Student App
Prep Question assignments now say “Completed on Time” on Assignments page if all Prep Questions have been attempted (but not necessarily answered correctly) at least once before the due date. Previously they appeared to be “Past Due” after the due date, even if the student had completed them and earned all available points.
Questions tagged with multiple learning objectives show up only once when answering questions in the Study Path assessment pop-up window. Previously they appeared once for each learning objective.
“Next” button replaces “Submit” button in the Study Path assessment pop-up window after answering a question correctly, to make the transition to the next question a little smoother.
Bug fixes
Assignment scores now always display 2 or fewer decimal places.
April 20, 2022 - Release 1.1.9
Instructor App
Enabled instructors to add due date accommodations (i.e. extensions) for individual students for Preclass and Homework assessments.
Added a summary metric to Student Scores single-assignment view that shows what percent of students marked a question muddy on first attempt. Currently enabled for Preclass and Homework assessments.
Styling improvements: topic and LO preview tooltips in the Course Planner, full LO text tooltip added in LO coverage chart in the Assessment Builder.
Student App
Bug fixes
Endless loading spinner when launching from the Learning Management System (e.g., Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard) to the Codon Dashboard.
Grading policy reminder tooltip was sometimes cut off at edge of screen.
April 7, 2022 - Release 1.1.8
Instructor App
Bug fixes
Intermittent error when deleting assessments
Assessments could not be changed to Not for Points grading policy
Student App
Bug fixes
Intermittent failure to load latest Study Path information (test name, new topic cards, etc.) when returning to the Study Path for the first time after a previous Study Path has passed its due date.
App now times out if a page has been loading for 1 minute or more. Redirects to logout.
March 23, 2022 - Release 1.1.7
Instructor app
Added a publishing feature, allowing instructors to control when assessments become visible to students. Instructors can publish and unpublish assessments from the Set Details page of the Assessment Builder. An assessment’s publication status is shown on the Timeline, Course Overview class session cards, and Student Scores page.
Improved usability of the Student Scores page by:
pinning the assessment name row and student name column in place while scrolling through the table,
showing the assessment’s due date and publication status in the assessment name row,
ordering assessments by due date,
making the “Go Back” button easier to find when navigating between response-, question-, and assessment-level tables.
March 16, 2022 - Release 1.1.5
Instructor app
Added functionality to the Assessment Builder: Add or remove questions from an assessment directly from the question preview pop-up window. Questions can also now be removed from an assessment via a button in the question bank list.
When an assignment is re-opened (i.e. when the due date is extended after the original due date has passed), students will now receive credit for past work done in the Study Path. If you need to reopen an assessment after the due date has passed, email
Instructor and student app
Styling updates to the My Courses page, including sections to separate current, past, and future courses.
March 9, 2022 - Release 1.1.4
Instructor app
Updated Assessment Builder to (1) let instructor know if students have started working on that assessment and (2) deactivate settings that can no longer be changed because students have started.
Made it easier to use the filter to find questions associated with LOs outside of the selected Class Days Covered. The instructor no longer has to de-select the Class Days Covered LOs to enable the other questions to show up. Simply select the desired LOs in the filter and the associated questions will appear in addition to any questions that were already shown.
By default, the question bank now shows both pre-class and post-class questions, regardless of whether the assessment is a Pre-Class Assessment or Post-Class Assessment (i.e. Homework or Summative). The Question Use filter can still be used to limit the number of questions shown based on intended use, if desired.
Other small styling and setting fixes in the Assessment Builder.
Student app
Improved styling for showing custom instructions from the instructor alongside standard grading policy instructions.
Revised the button to find and retry missed Practice Test questions inside the Study Path from “Retry All Practice Test Questions” to “Review Practice Test Questions”. The new language is intended to emphasize that students won’t be forced to re-answer all Practice Test questions (but they have the option to, if they want).
February 25, 2022 - Release 1.1.3h
Bug fixes
Addressed bug where the Study Path would get stuck on an old test even though the date of that test had passed. When this bug happened, it would prevent students from accessing topic cards and any associated questions for point recapture from new homework assignments.
NOTE: While this bug should be fixed in the majority of cases, in a small number of cases a refresh may still be required to update the Study Path.
Addressed bug where students who had been given a due date extension could not answer questions on those assignments.
February 23, 2022 - Release 1.1.3
Student and Instructor app
Timeline height adjusts to account for class days with many topics or assignments
Student app
Prominent display added for multipart questions added to each question (for example, “This question contains 4 parts”)
Other bug fixes
February 15, 2022 - Release 1.1.2
Student app
- Faster app response time during assignments
- Incomplete Practice Tests in past due Study Paths previously were stuck in the “In Progress” state and so questions could not be reviewed. This is resolved. Unanswered questions appear the same as questions that were answered incorrectly.
Instructor app
- When previewing a question, if you Check Answer after answering the question incorrectly, correct answer will be displayed alongside incorrect answer feedback
February 8, 2022 - Release 1.1.1
Student app
- Find a read-only version of your initial attempt on a Practice Test by clicking on that Practice Test from the Assignments page
- Users are logged out after 24 hours of inactivity in order to ensure they are seeing the latest version of the app
Instructor app
- Styling updates to the instructor grade CSV download
Bug fixes
- Submit button now stays active when you navigate away from a question and come back, if it was active before you left
- Finish button shows up in the Study Path question modals more consistently
- Clicking quickly through questions will not prevent users from selecting an answer for a question at unexpected times
February 2, 2022 - Release 1.1.0
Student app
- Students can retry all questions from a Practice Test in a single pop-up window accessed from the Study Path. Previously students could only retry Practice Test questions by opening Topic Cards. This capability still exists, however, and would still be the preferred method if you want to find related questions on the same Learning Objective from other assignments
- “Completed on time” status indicator added for assignments. This shows up once a student has answered all questions in an assignment at least once. “Past due” status indicator now only shows up if it is past the assignment due date and no or only some of the questions in an assignment were answered.
Bug fixes:
- Less unexpected behavior if two Study Paths cover the same class sessions
- Practice Test question navigation bar now no longer indicates whether the student answered each question correctly or incorrectly during the initial Practice Test taking experience. This is so that students can take the Practice Test the same way they would take a real test. Students can still see which questions they answered correctly when reviewing the assignment after completing all questions.