
Late policies allow students to continue to earn points for completing work after the due date has passed. 

There are two components to the late policy:

1- The late date - Set this to the date and time you're willing to accept work late for points. The time between the due date and the late date is the "late period". 

2- Penalty - Indicate what percent of points you would like to be deducted from points earned during the late period. If you'd like to accept work for full credit, set the penalty to 0. Any point deductions related to your selected grading policy (e.g., 10% deduction on 3rd+ attempts) will be applied first, and then the penalty will be calculated.

How late penalties are calculated

  • The grading policy is applied first, and then the late penalty is deducted as a percentage of the earned points.
  • Penalty is assigned on a by question basis depending on when points are earned for that question.

  • For example, if a 5 question assignment has the following settings:
    • grading policy: 10% point reduction per incorrect attempt, starting on the 2nd attempt (100%, 90%, 80%)
    • due date: Monday at 11:59PM
    • late date: Tuesday at 11:59PM
    • late penalty: 25%
    • each question is worth 1 point

  • A student who had the following activity would earn...
    • Q1: correct on first attempt, completed on Monday morning --> 1 pt
    • Q2: correct on second attempt, completed on Monday morning --> 0.9 pt
    • Q3: correct on first attempt, completed on Tuesday morning --> 0.75 pt
    • Q4: correct on second attempt, completed on Tuesday morning --> 0.68 pt
    • Q5: correct on first attempt, completed on Wednesday morning --> 0 pt
      • In the Study Path, students can always reattempt questions from past assignments for practice!
    • Total points: 3.33 / 5 pts

How to set a late policy

By default, the late policy is off for all assessments. You can change this globally by changing your assessment presets, which will update the settings for all assessments you create after that. Or you can turn on a late policy for a single assessment from the Add Details page of that assessment (shown above).

In the presets, you can set different late policies for different assessment types. Access the presets settings menu by clicking on the course settings cog next to your course name.

Then, for each assessment type you want to enable late work for, click on the late policy "toggle" to turn it from "no" to "yes". Then, set your late date offset (how many days after the due date) and penalty for each assessment type. You can turn on late policies for some assessment types and not others, if you would like. Don't forget to click save!

How students see late policies

Students can see the late policy for an assignment from the "About this Assignment" page for that assignment, or by hovering over the points column in the Assignments page.

At the end of an assignment completed late, they will see how many points were deducted due to the late policy:

They can also see which assignments were completed late from the Assignments page:

  • Completed on Time = All questions attempted before due date. Additional points may have been earned during the late period if some questions were not yet answered correctly before the due date.
  • Completed Late = All questions attempted before the late date, but one or more were first attempted after the due date.
  • Completed for Practice = All questions attempted, but one or more were first attempted after the late date. Some points may have been earned in partial work was completed before the due and/or late dates.
  • Incomplete = Not all questions attempted and the late date has passed. Some points may have been earned in partial work was completed before the due and/or late dates.

How you can see whether students completed work late

You can review similar statuses (completed on time, etc. plus a few more!) for each student and each assessment from the Student Performance page. 

When you open the Student Performance page, you first see a view where each column is a different assignment. From here, you can see if no work has been done on the assignment (red shading) and if some questions were first attempted after the due date (late).

By clicking on the column header for a particular assignment, you are taken to a view where each column is a different question within that assignment. From here, you can see the status of that assignment for each student, as well as whether each question was never attempted (red shading) or first attempted after the due date (late).

What happens to the late policy when I give a student a due date accommodation?

  • If the late policy is after the new due date for the student, they will have until the new due date to submit their work for full credit and have from just after the new due date until the late date to submit work for the percentage of points you decided on for the late policy. 
  • If the late policy is before the new due date, the student can submit their work for full credit up to the new due date but will not then have a late policy. In other words, the late date will not be extended.