This article describes the following:

  • The Study Path Overview
  • How to Build a Study Path
  • In-class materials and Pre-class Resources

The Study Path Overview

The goal of the Study Path is for students to check their understanding of Learning Objectives (LOs) under different topics by answering different items (i.e., questions). You assign items that appear in the Study Path. If students answer items correctly, they move topic cards through three different checkpoints:

1. Checkpoint 1: I Should Review: Students review and retry items under each LO to move each topic card to the next Checkpoint (Checkpoint 2: Prep Me).

2. Checkpoint 2: Prep Me: When students answer items correctly in Checkpoint 1, they can get extra practice by completing new "Prep Questions" you assign. When students answer items correctly, the topic cards move to Checkpoint 3: Test Me.

3. Checkpoint 3: Test Me: Once the test meter reaches 100% or within 3 days of the due date, the "Practice Test" become available, and students complete items to see how prepared they are for the real thing and determine what LOs they need to review. 

  • Please note that Codon does NOT support proctoring of summative assessments at this time. You can deliver your summative assessment as you normally would (e.g., LMS).

Student View of Study Path

Please note that you are NOT able to view the Study Path on the instructor application.

For more study path details visit: What is the Study Path

How to build a Study Path

1. Name the Study Path. Then, assign a "Due Date" and "Grading Policy" for "Prep Questions" and the "Practice Test." You can also assign a late policy for Prep Questions and a late policy for the Practice Test, if you wish.

  • There are two parts of every Study Path to publish and you may decide to publish only the Study Path and Prep Questions (Checkpoint 1 and Checkpoint 2) or the Study Path and Prep Questions in addition to the Practice Test (Checkpoint 3).

  • Important notes: 
    • You may continue to edit the Prep Questions (Checkpoint 2) even once students have started it, but you may not edit any questions that students have interacted with.  
    • You are NOT able to make changes to the Practice Test once students have begun answering questions in the Practice Test (Checkpoint 3) of the Study Path.


2. Under "Assessment Review" in the breadcrumb path, you can select what assessments (i.e., question sets) to include on the Study Path. Click "Save and Continue."


3. Under "Prep Questions" in the breadcrumb path, you can add new items that will be revealed to students when topic cards are moved to "Checkpoint 2: Prep Me." Click "Continue" to save changes.

  • We recommend adding 1-2 Prep Questions per Learning Objective

Under "Practice Test" in the breadcrumb path, you can add new or previous questions that will be revealed when students move all the topic cards to "Checkpoint 3: Test Me." Click "Return to Course Overview" to save changes.

  • We recommend making the Practice Test look as much as your actual summative assessment to help students practice efficiently.
  • If you're not ready for students to start on the Practice Test, we suggest waiting to publish the Practice Test until it is ready (Step 1 above).

See "How to Create Custom Items" for more details.