This article describes the following:

  • The Assessment Builder Overview
  • Pre-class and Homework Assessments
  • In-class materials and Pre-class Resources

The Assessment Builder Overview

The "Assessment Builder" is the place where you can create an assessment or assignment in the "Pre-Class," "In-Class," and "Homework" sections. You can access the builder from the "Daily Planner" page.

Pre-class and Homework Assessments

These assessments or assignments are meant to ensure students stay on top of the material and check their comprehension. Unlike a Readiness Reading, "Pre-class" or "Homework" assignments are generally just items (i.e., questions) without readings.

1. Once you've accessed the "Assessment Builder," you can add and edit multiple features for the "Pre-Class" and "Homework" assignments.

Please note, once students have started the assignment, you CANNOT change the following without contacting your Faculty Success Manager:

    1. Assessment Category

    2. Classes Covered

    3. Published Status

    4. Grading Policy

    5. Date Open or Due Date

    6. Reorder or add questions

    7. Change points of questions

2. Click "Add Items" on the breadcrumb path to review and edit items (e.g., questions) assigned under each Learning Objective. 


3. Within the "Add Items" window, click on "LO Metrics" (left image) to view the question-LO distribution or "Bloom's" (right image) to see the question-Bloom's level distribution. 

Please note that low = Bloom's levels 1 and 2, and high = Bloom's levels 3-6.

Please see "How to Create Custom Items" for more details.

In-Class Materials and Pre-Class Resources

You can add links and other resources for students in the following sections:

  1. Pre-Class Resources: If you're not using Readiness Readings, give instructions or link out to external resources (e.g., OpenStax reading, textbook pages, video lectures hosted outside of Codon, other Open Education Resources).
  2. In-Class Materials: You can include materials from class that you want students to have access to, like lessons slides or activity worksheets.

You can access the builder from the "Daily Planner" page.