1. Navigate to the course where you would like to add your Codon link into Blackboard.



2. Click on "Content" in the top left.



3. Click "Add Content" followed by "Create".



4. Select "Teaching tools with LTI connection" under Course Content Items.

5. Configure the tool.

  • Rename the link from "New LTI Link <date>" to something that will let the students know what the link is being used for. For example: Codon Learning. 
  • Add the URL provided by your Faculty Success Manager. 
  • Make sure that the checkbox "Open in new window" is checked. 
  • You do NOT need to "Add Custom Parameters" or "Create gradebook entry for this item". 
  • If students have access to the course already, we recommend waiting to make the link visible to students until after you have finished set up. 

6. Click Save.


7. Click on the "Codon Learning" link you just added to your course. 

8. Select the correct Codon course (you may only have one in the list). Click "Save Selection." You will never have to repeat this step.

9. Close the tab, reload your LMS page, and click the Codon link againThis should launch the "Course Overview" page of your Codon Learning course.

The above are instructions adapted from Willo Labs’ documentation. Please contact support@codonlearning.com for assistance at any time.