Watch this video demonstrating how to complete an assignment using the Codon Learning platform.

Marking Questions Muddy or Clear

Screenshot of the assessment taker action bar containing 4 components. From left to right, first is text asking "Did you fully understand the concept covered in this question?", second is two buttons the left button is a pig icon and text "It's Muddy", the right button is a bubble icon and text "It's clear", third is a blue "submit answer" button, and forth are arrows pointing left and right that allow you to navigate between questions.

  • Every Codon Learning question will ask you whether the concept covered in each question is Muddy or Clear. 
  • This is an opportunity for you to practice metacognition (thinking about your thinking). 
  • Click Clear (bubble symbol) if you’re confident in your answer and understand the concept, otherwise, click Muddy (pig symbol).
    • You can change your selection from Muddy to Clear (or Clear to Muddy!) when you retry the question.

Clicking Muddy or Clear will NOT affect your grade or add any required work down the line, but it will help you find and review questions you found confusing later on when you study.

Locating Questions You Marked Muddy

  • In the Study Path:

  • On the Course Home page:

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